Results in a snapshot


As in 2017, the majority of companies are in the mid-range, with 54 companies reaching between 25% and 50% of the achievable points (progressing) and 53 companies between 50% and 75% (advancing). 15 companies are in the “preparing” phase, by reaching less than 25% and 1 company is leading, by exceeding the threshold of 75%. Compared to 2017, the field moved closer together, with fewer companies in the “preparation” but also in the “leading” phase.


Biggest improvement potential: 

  • Conducting a materiality analysis and disclose process and results
  • Setting SMART and impact-oriented targets up to 2030
  • Engaging stakeholders and disclosing as well as integrating stakeholder feedback
  • Focusing on hotspots along the value chain
  • Reporting on critical cases/issues of the company and industry


TOP 3 companies in 2019

Among the TOP 3 companies, there are three multinationals, including Clariant (chemical industry), LafargeHolcim (building materials) and Weleda (natural cosmetics, complementary medicine).


Clariant is a Swiss speciality chemicals company, focusing on care chemicals (consumer and industrial), catalysis, natural resources (oil & mining, minerals), and plastics & coatings. The integrated report 2018 describes the materiality process and results in great detail and discloses stakeholder feedback on all material issues.


LafargeHolcim Ltd is a Swiss multinational company that manufactures building materials. The company reports on material topics of the company, as well as many relevant issues for the industry and at global level (inside-out & outside-in perspective). Furthermore, it sets SMART and impact-driven goals.


Weleda is a Swiss multinational company that produces both beauty products and naturopathic medicines, based on anthroposophic principles. Weleda’s 2018 Annual and Sustainability Report is distinguished by a clearly defined, integrated business and sustainability strategy that is reflected throughout the report.

Industry Ranking

On average, all sectors score around 45% (in 2017: 47%), with the food and beverage sector scoring highest with 58% and real estate scoring lowest with 33%. The sectors scoring above 50% – hence those classifying as ‘advancing’ sectors – are food & beverage, chemistry & pharmaceutical sector, retail & wholesale trade as well as construction builders & suppliers.


Average score

  • Food & beverage sector (2017: 46%) 58% 58%
  • Chemistry & pharmaceuticals (2017: 51%) 57% 57%
  • Retail & wholesale trade (2017: 51%) 56% 56%
  • Construction builders & suppliers (2017: 57%) 51% 51%
  • Other service providers (2017: 59%) 48% 48%
  • Insurance services (2017: 42%) 46% 46%
  • Gastronomy & hotels (2017: 54%) 44% 44%
  • Mobility, transport & logistics (2017: 47%) 43% 43%
  • IT, Medical & electrical engineering (2017: 47%) 42% 42%
  • Machine industry (2017: 47%) 41% 41%
  • Energy supply & distribution (2017: 36%) 40% 40%
  • Financial services (2017: 42%) 40% 40%
  • Manufacturing industry (2017: 38%) 40% 40%
  • Real estate (2017: 35%) 32% 32%

Average score per category


Comprehensive reports

(2017: 47%)


Credible priorities

(2017: 36%)


Relevant issues

(2017: 57%)