Olmar Albers
CEO, öbu
Miron Avidan
Postdoctoral research fellow, University of St. Gallen
Balthasar Bänninger
Stellvertretender Leiter Nachhaltigkeits-
research, Forma Futura
Till Berger
Stellvertretender Sektionschef, Bundesamt für
Raumentwicklung ARE
Claus-Heinrich Daub
Professor of Sustainable Management and Marketing, FHNW
Barbara Dubach
CEO & Founder, engageability
Thomas Dyllick
Director at The IBS, Prof. em.
University of St. Gallen
Antonio Hautle
Executive Director, Global Compact Network
Switzerland & Liechtenstein
Michael Liechti
Senior Partnership Account Manager, RepRisk AG
Katrin Muff
Gabriela Nagel
Head of Institute for Financial Management,
ZHAW School of Management and Law
Damian Oettli
Head of Business & Consumption, WWF Switzerland
Markus Ott
Head Sustainability Research, Alternative Bank Schweiz
Thomas Scheiwiller
Advisor & Board Member
Mark Veser
Head Climate Change and Sustainability Services Switzerland, EY