Our Consultancy Offers
Based on the insights we gained by running the largest, national benchmark study on sustainability reporting and the expertise among the team, we are excited to support you along the reporting cycle.
Are you looking for a hands-on strategy tool creating outside-in business opportunities through positive contributions to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? The SDGXchange provides organizations with a GRIPS process, guidance and support on how to change from an inside-out to an outside-in perspective, and how to embrace true business sustainability into the core of their strategies. See more: https://sdgx.org
The awareness that sustainability issues can materially impact a company’s ability to successfully do business is an area of growing importance in the 21st century. Hence, the business case for integrating materiality into strategy is clear. So too the benefit of involving stakeholders in the analysis and review of material issues. Find out more: http://engageability.ch
Systematic stakeholder engagement is vital for assessing and addressing changes in the global societal environment. According to McKinsey Quarterly ‘integrated external engagement is a key determinant of competitiveness, and companies need to start treating it as one’. engageability is an experienced designer, convener and facilitator of stakeholder panels and dialogues, e.g.:
- ABB (ABB’s Report Review Panel)
- Geberit (Stakeholder Panel)
- LafargeHolcim (External Report Review Panel p. 48)
Interested in how your company scored within the benchmark study? Find out more about our different packages.
Don’t hesitate to contact us.
Would you like to enhance your capabilities for generating meaningful reports for multinational companies and small and medium enterprises? You can find initial information here.

Are you looking for additional information or support on your sustainability and reporting journey? We are pleased to share our expertise and experience with you and support you. For any request or question, please contact vanessa.scheungraber@engageability.ch .