Selection process

The 151 reports have been selected according to the following set of criteria:

  • Sustainability Reporting: Independent report, combined report or annual report and integrated report with information on sustainability
  • Reporting year: 2020
  • Publication: latest by begin of August
  • Switzerland reference: Headquarters in Switzerland or Swiss Sustainability Report, including SMI and SPI companies

Additional selection criteria or filters

  • Part of the 2019/2017 analysis
  • Listed on the stock exchange (indirect counterproposal is relevant for the company)
  • UNGC and öbu member
  • Different sectors

Overview of analysed companies

Analysed companies per sector

  • Financial services (2019: 19%) 14% 14%
  • Manufacturing industry (2019: 12%) 11% 11%
  • IT, medical & electrical engineering (2019: 12%) 10% 10%
  • Chemistry & pharmaceuticals (2019: 13) 9% 9%
  • Machine industry (2019: 13) 9% 9%
  • Retail & wholesale trade (2019: 8%) 7% 7%
  • Real Estate (2019: 6%) 7% 7%
  • Construction builders & suppliers (2019: 8%) 6% 6%
  • Mobility, transport & logistics (2019: 6) 6% 6%
  • Energy supply & distribution (2019: 6%) 5% 5%
  • Food & beverage production (2019: 7%) 5% 5%
  • Other service providers (2019: 6%) 4% 4%
  • Insurance services (2019: 4%) 3% 3%
  • Gastronomy & hotels (2019: 2%) 1% 1%


93% Large companies, 7% SMEs


74% listed on stock exchange, 26% other